Withdrawal Policy

The Withdrawal Policy for Scholarly Insight Review provides clear guidelines for authors who wish to withdraw their manuscript from consideration or after it has been accepted for publication. This policy ensures that both authors and the journal maintain transparency and integrity throughout the submission and publication process.

1. Pre-Submission Withdrawal

  • Before Submission: Authors are free to withdraw their manuscript at any time before submission to the journal’s peer review system without any obligation. No formal notification is required, but it is appreciated if authors inform the editorial team promptly.
  • After Submission but Before Peer Review: If authors wish to withdraw their manuscript after submission but before it enters the peer review process, they should notify the editorial office immediately. A formal request must be made, and the manuscript will be removed from the system.

2. Withdrawal During the Peer Review Process

  • Before Reviewer Assignment: If the manuscript is withdrawn before reviewers are assigned, authors need to notify the editorial office as soon as possible. Once informed, the manuscript will be removed from the review process.
  • After Reviewer Assignment but Before Review Completion: If the manuscript has already been assigned to reviewers but the review process has not yet been completed, authors may request a withdrawal. The editorial team will respect this decision but may ask for an explanation. Once the request is received, the manuscript will be withdrawn from the peer review process.
  • After Review Completion but Before Final Decision: If the manuscript has been reviewed and a decision is pending, authors may request to withdraw the manuscript. However, if the decision is close to being finalized, the editorial team may ask for a reason, and the manuscript may be officially retracted from the review process.

3. Withdrawal After Acceptance but Before Publication

If an article has been accepted but not yet published, authors may still withdraw it under certain conditions:

  • Request for Withdrawal: The authors must submit a formal request for withdrawal in writing to the editorial office, clearly stating their reasons for withdrawal.
  • Publication Stage: Withdrawal requests can be made at any stage of the production process, including during the final stages before online or print publication. However, if the manuscript has already been formatted or scheduled for publication, a delay in the withdrawal process may occur.
  • No Publication Fees Refund: If the manuscript has been accepted for publication but withdrawn before it is published, the author will not receive any refund of publication fees, if applicable.

4. Withdrawal After Publication

  • Post-Publication Withdrawal: Once an article has been published (either online or in print), it cannot be withdrawn from the journal. Instead, the authors may request a retraction. If a retraction is necessary, the authors must submit a formal retraction request, and the journal will process it according to its retraction policy.
  • Reasons for Retraction: A retraction may occur for various reasons, such as errors discovered post-publication, ethical issues, or concerns about the accuracy of the data or findings. The journal will issue a retraction notice, which will remain publicly accessible along with the original article to maintain transparency.
  • Corrections: If minor errors or mistakes are found after publication, the authors may request a correction rather than a retraction. These corrections will be issued as errata or corrigenda.

5. Consequences of Withdrawal

  • Withdrawal after Acceptance or During Peer Review: If an article is withdrawn after being accepted or after reviewers have been assigned, it may impact the author’s reputation with the journal. Frequent withdrawals after submission could result in the journal imposing a waiting period or restrictions on future submissions from the same authors.
  • Notification to Reviewers: If a manuscript is withdrawn during the peer review process, reviewers who have been assigned to the manuscript will be informed and thanked for their time.

6. Ethical Considerations in Withdrawal

  • Transparency: The authors must ensure that there are no conflicting submissions of the same manuscript elsewhere if it is withdrawn from Scholarly Insight Review.
  • Avoiding Dual Submission: Manuscripts should not be withdrawn from Scholarly Insight Review and simultaneously submitted to other journals without disclosing the prior submission. This practice would be considered unethical.

7. Final Decision

  • The editorial team will consider all withdrawal requests carefully, balancing the interests of authors, reviewers, and the journal’s reputation. The decision to approve a withdrawal request rests with the editor-in-chief, who may take into account the timing and stage of the manuscript in the publication process.
  • Once the withdrawal request is processed, the author will be formally notified, and the manuscript will be removed from the journal’s system or retracted (if already published).

This Withdrawal Policy ensures that authors can withdraw their submissions in a professional, transparent, and ethical manner, while also protecting the integrity and operations of Scholarly Insight Review.