Refund Policy

The Refund Policy for Scholarly Insight Review outlines the conditions under which authors may request a refund for any publication fees paid to the journal. This policy ensures fairness and transparency in handling requests related to fees associated with manuscript submission, processing, or publication.

1. Publication Fees

Scholarly Insight Review charges publication fees to authors for the processing and publication of their manuscripts. These fees may include:

  • Submission Fees (if applicable)
  • Article Processing Charges (APC) after acceptance for publication
  • Other Optional Charges (e.g., for additional services such as extra pages, color figures, or expedited review).

2. Refund Conditions

2.1 Pre-Submission or Initial Submission

  • Refund Eligibility: If an author decides to withdraw their manuscript before submission or before peer review has started, they are eligible for a full refund of any fees paid at the time of submission (if applicable).
  • Refund Request: The request for a refund must be made in writing to the editorial office before the manuscript enters the review process. No refund will be issued after the submission has been processed, reviewed, or assigned to a peer reviewer.

2.2 During the Peer Review Process

  • Refund Eligibility: If an author decides to withdraw their manuscript during the peer review process, they may be eligible for a partial refund. The refund amount will depend on the stage of the process and whether reviewers have already been assigned.
  • Review Stage: If the manuscript has already been assigned to reviewers, but no reviews have been completed, a partial refund may be issued. However, if significant editorial work has already been done, the refund will be reduced to cover processing costs.
  • No Refund after Review Completion: Once peer reviews are completed and the editorial decision has been made, authors will not be eligible for a refund, as the journal has incurred costs related to the review process.

2.3 After Acceptance but Before Publication

  • Refund Eligibility: If an author wishes to withdraw their manuscript after acceptance but before publication, they may request a refund, but it will depend on the stage of production.
  • Refund Process: If the article is in production (e.g., being formatted, typeset, or proofread), no refund will be issued. If the manuscript is still awaiting final layout or publication scheduling, a partial refund may be considered.
  • Non-Refundable Fees: Once an article has entered the production stage, including proofing or final formatting, the publication fee becomes non-refundable, as significant editorial, production, and processing work will have been completed.

2.4 After Publication

  • Refund Eligibility: Once the article has been published online or in print, no refunds will be issued under any circumstances. This includes articles published in the journal’s digital archive.
  • Post-Publication Corrections/Retractions: If an article is retracted after publication, a refund will not be issued. However, the retraction notice will be published to ensure transparency.

3. Refund Request Process

  • Authors must submit a formal refund request in writing to the editorial office, including the following details:
    • The reason for the withdrawal or request for refund.
    • The stage of the manuscript in the review/publication process.
    • Proof of payment of publication fees (if applicable).
  • The editorial team will review the refund request and respond within a reasonable timeframe, typically within 14 business days.

4. Exceptions to the Refund Policy

  • Errors on the Journal’s Part: In cases where the journal has made an error in processing or billing (e.g., overcharging), a full or partial refund may be issued. The journal will take responsibility for such mistakes and ensure the appropriate reimbursement.
  • Author Misconduct: If an article is withdrawn due to ethical violations, such as plagiarism or data falsification, no refund will be issued.

5. Currency and Payment Method

  • Refunds will be issued in the same currency and via the same payment method used for the original transaction, unless otherwise requested by the author.
  • Authors may incur additional processing fees depending on the payment method or the institution’s regulations, which may be deducted from the refund amount.

6. Refund Timeline

  • The refund process may take up to 30 business days to be completed, depending on the complexity of the request and the payment method.

7. Final Decision

  • The final decision regarding refunds will be made by the editorial board in accordance with the journal's policies and procedures. All decisions will be communicated to the author in writing.

This Refund Policy ensures that Scholarly Insight Review handles refund requests fairly and transparently while protecting the financial sustainability of the journal’s operations.